Better Nights = Better Days

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  • Zero Calories

  • Glycine is non-habit forming and is not known to have any drug interactions

    Non Habit Forming

  • Glycine is Vegan


  • Glycine us Dairy Free

    Dairy Free

  • Glycine is Gluten free

    Gluten Free

  • Glycine is sugar free

    Sugar Free

What customers are saying:

What is Glycine?

We like to call it "Sleeping Beauty's Secret", but it's not a foreign elixir found in a fairy tale forest. In fact, it's being produced by your body at this very moment.

Glycine is a building block for proteins (like Collagen & Creatine), but modern diets lack the fuel we need produce the optimal amount.

We now know that our body's require supplementation to meet our daily requirement, the problem Dozy Dust is here to solve.

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  • Superior Sleep 😴

    Reduces anxiety and boosts melatonin production, improving the quality & duration of your sleep.

  • Anti-Aging 💁‍♀️

    Promotes glowing and healthy skin, hair and nails as the primary amino acid in collagen.

  • Brain Power 🧠

    Stimulates mental clarity and focus as a neurotransmitter, enhancing memory & creativity.

  • Muscle Growth 💪

    Provides fuel for your muscles, supporting the building and retention of lean muscle mass.

  • Liver Detox 🍸

    Reduces the effects of alcohol on your liver and protects your cells from free radical damage.

  • Gut Health 😊

    Regulates digestive enzymes, lowering inflammation and reducing constipation and bloating.

  • A photo of Dr. Ann Shippy, MD

    Dr. Ann Shippy, MD

    "Glycine is a messenger that informs the brain that you can start relaxing and calming the anxiety to have a brighter sense of wellbeing."

    Learn more 
  • A photo of Dr. James Dinicolantonio, PD

    Dr. James Dinicolantonio, PD

    "Glycine is very important & most of us aren’t getting enough of it. It helps our immune system, calms inflammation & promotes collagen health."

    Learn more 

Frequently asked questions

What is Glycine?

Glycine is one of 20 amino acids synthesized in the human body. It helps build proteins needed for tissue and hormone maintenance. Glycine is the simplest stable amino acid, with the chemical formula NH₂‐CH₂‐COOH.

Is Glycine Safe?

Yes, Glycine is considered safe when taken in recommended amounts and is not known to have any major side effects.

Is Glycine habit forming?

No, there are no physical, mental or psychological properties from Glycine that would lead it to become habit forming. You may begin to love your nightime routine as you look forward to a goodnights sleep.

Is Glycine Approved by the FDA?

Yes! It has been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use as a food ingredient and dietary supplement. However, the FDA has not evaluated the claims & benefits of Glycine.

Additional FAQs

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