Glycine demonstrating the state of your bed after a good nights sleep

Hi, we're Dozy Dust 👋

Like you, we had trouble sleeping.

We'd read enough twitter threads, googled endlessly and tried every quick fix under the sun. Every product we tried had its draw backs and never solved the core problem, the endless wheels turning when lying in bed. For some reason, there's a part of your brain that decides that when you lay down to rest at night, now is the time to question every decision you've ever made and to over analyze every decision you have upcoming.

This was when we found Glycine. An amino acid that our body already produces, that has zero side-effects, is non-drowsy, non-addictive and most of all, incredibly effective. We narrowed our focus to the core problem and have experienced life-changing results. 

This is why we founded Dozy Dust, to de-mystify Glycine, and improve the sleep (and lives) of people everywhere. We now produce the highest possible quality (99%+ purity) Glycine on the market and are on a mission to get it out into the world. The most exciting part? Sleep is just the tip of the iceberg.

Dream On ✨