FAQs (and A's)

What is Glycine?

Glycine is one of 20 amino acids synthesized in the human body. It helps build proteins needed for tissue and hormone maintenance (like Collagen & Creatine). Glycine is the simplest stable amino acid, with the chemical formula NH₂‐CH₂‐COOH.

What does Glycine taste like?

Glycine is naturally sweet, yet contains zero sugar. You could liken it to about a 3rd of the sweetness to typical cooking sugar, but is subjective to each person individually.

How is Glycine made?

Glycine is produced by your body through a metabolic process involving your kidneys and liver. As a supplement (like Dozy Dust) it is produced through the Strecker amino acid synthesis. This process produces Glycine with a high level (99%+) of purity.

Is Glycine Approved by the FDA?

Yes! It has been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use as a food ingredient and dietary supplement. However, the FDA has not evaluated the claims & benefits of Glycine.

What is the recommended dosage?

The recommended dosage is ~3 grams per day (1 scoop of Dozy Dust).

Is Glycine Safe?

Yes, Glycine is considered safe when taken in recommended amounts and is not known to have any major side effects.

Is Glycine habit forming?

No, there are no physical, mental or psychological properties from Glycine that would lead it to become habit forming. You may begin to love your nightime routine as you look forward to a goodnights sleep.

Does Glycine have any side effects?

Glycine is considered safe when taken in recommended amounts and is not known to have any major side effects. Stomach discomfort has been reported at higher doses.

Can I take Glycine when pregnant?

It is generally recommended to consult your healthcare provider before taking dietary supplements during pregnancy.

Are Glycine & L-Glycine the same thing?

Yes, Glycine and L-Glycine are the same thing. L-Glycine is the common name for the amino acid Glycine. The "L" in L-Glycine stands for "levo," which is a term used to describe the specific configuration of the molecule. Amino acids can exist in different configurations, and the "L" form is the most common in proteins found in living organisms.

Are Glycine & Lysine the same thing?

No, Glycine and lysine are two different amino acids that have different functions in the body and can be found in different types of foods.

Are Glycine & Glycinate the same thing?

Glycine and glycinate are related, but they are not the same thing. Glycine is an amino acid that is involved in many functions in the body. Glycinate, on the other hand, refers to a salt of glycine. It is formed by combining glycine with a mineral, such as magnesium or calcium. Glycinate supplements are commonly used as a source of these minerals, although they may also be used for their potential health benefits.

Can I take Glycine with food?

Yes. You'll experience better absorption if you take it on an empty stomach, but it will still experience the benefits if you take it with food. .

Can I take Glycine if I am on other Medication? 

Glycine has no known drug interactions, but it is generally recommended to consult your healthcare provider before taking dietary supplements.

What should I mix Glycine with?

You can add Glycine to your favorite beverage: water, juice or even a smoothie. For best results, we recommend mixing with a chamomile tea or water 1 hour before bed.

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